IBM Connections experts available for you

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Do you need access to experts with market leading knowledge of IBM Connections? Are you starting up a new Connections project or do you need help with one that is in progress? Could you use the help of a recognized expert to help you solve the issues that are delaying deployment? We can help!

Infoware have been working with IBM Connections since 2008 and have consultants with broad and deep knowledge of IBM Connections environments and development. When it comes to deploying new environments, upgrading existing installations, integrating with other systems or systems development our consultants are world class.

We have a portfolio of customer success stories for projects integrating IBM Connections with web content management systems such as EPI Server and IBM Docs with branding, customizations and systems integration.

We are recognized experts at adding extended functionality to IBM Connections environments as well as having specialist skills in user adoption methodologies and systems training.



Apart from IBM Connections we also offer expertise on IBM Chat, IBM WebSphere Portal, IBM WebSphere and IBM Notes/Domino.


Contact us if you are interested in our services or in a partnership.



Community Templates by DomainPatrol Social

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first: Happy Prosperous New Year! We hope you had a couple of relaxing days around Christmas and now are ready for new adventures in 2016!

This is just a short newsflash with two interesting topics we think you'll like:

New release of DomainPatrol Social for IBM Connections. This will put a smile on all of you Community Managers. We have seen for a long time that a key focus for companies today is to seek to minimize the time and effort they waste on creating something that already exist. To stop reinvent the wheel for good, and instead focus on developing new inventions.

The new function we're talking about is Community Templates. This will let you re-use your perfectly good and working Communities over and over again, with modifications if you like. Find the Community you would like to clone, select which parts of it you want to copy and click OK. Simple as that.

The release is ready to ship, so email us right away for more information, quotes, evaluation license or anything else.

And remember, DomainPatrol Social solves the most difficult tasks in IBM Connections concerning contents and users, such as Merge Communities, Move Communities, Move and Merge Blogs, Activities, Files, Wikis etc. We also handle Complete User Management for Files, Blogs, Wikis etc. Merge Profiles or Copy User Access. Take care of your orphan content today.

New project starts, others end. The organization is constantly changing and consequently your needs.



I’m featured IBM Champion on the new IBM Social Business User Community site

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Are you interested in the IBM Social Business user community? Then this site is a place for you.

Here you can read about events from both IBM and independent user groups, webcasts, twitter feeds, blogs and testemonials.

A place to get together, share ideas and talk about what’s new in social.

And if that is not enough, right now I'm featured IBM Champion on the site as well.

So why wait, click here now.


We’re adding Quota Management for Files to DomainPatrol Social

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The heat wave in Stockholm right now is making us all longing for a relaxing hammock instead of sitting inside the office. Regardless of that, we are happy to be enjoying a huge interest for DomainPatrol Social from all over the world.

The feedback we hear from our customers is that it has never been so easy to administer their IBM Connections environment. DomainPatrol Social opens up possibilities to do things you normally can't do in IBM Connections. Such as Merging Communitites, even one external with an internal one. The feature Merge Profiles is also a popular one. When companies hiring former temporary employees the users often end up with 2 profiles.

The next release of DomainPatrol will include a function our customers have had high up on their wish list. We are talking about Quota Management for Files! You will finally be able to set quota on both user level and community level. And also manage quota policies. Good, huh?

And we're not stopping there. We are currently working on several features to make DomainPatrol Social the most competent and qualified tool for IBM Connections on the market.

Contact us directly to try it out for free or just to let us tell you more.



IBM Connect 2016 announced! – No Vegas

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IBM has updated the "IBM Connect" site ( with information about the next IBM Connect conference in January 2016. According to the site the date for 2016 is set to January 31 -> February 3, 2016 in Orlando. Note that the 2016 conference will be held at The Hilton – Orlando, so no more Swan or Dolphin.

…Mark your calendars for Connect 2016 in Orlando! Get ready to explore the future of Enterprise Social Software and Digital Experience solutions and innovations, driven by IBM's unparalleled expertise in cloud, analytics, mobile and social. ConnectED 2015 was a huge success, with attendees from 64 countries celebrating the 25th anniversary of Notes Domino and the launch of IBM Verse.



★ Merge Communities with DomainPatrol Social ★

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One could wish for a more sunny spring, no one could argue with that. Stockholm is windy with pouring rain right now. But let's not dwell on that too long. On to something more interesting!

We are super proud of our brand new release of DomainPatrol Social which is packed with new features.

Never again think that your content is stuck where you created it. Use DomainPatrol Social when you are doing changes in your organization, when a project ends, when you hire employees. Do clean-ups when upgrading. Release the power of IBM Connections with DomainPatrol Social.

Merge Communities together: Both regular, sub-communities and external. Everything will be merged, including all content in them (Blogs, Activities, Wikis, Forums etc). Also, move communities in and out of other communities.

Move Files: Move individual files or the whole file container between users or between communities.

Merge Profiles: It may happen that one user end up with two profiles. With this feature you merge two profiles into one. All data and content is merges, including all history.

Transfer user access: Apply one user's access roles to another user. If for example one person is taking over another persons role or job.

Move and Merge: Blogs, Wikis, Forums, Activities. Even just one single blog entry, activity etc.

DomainPatrol Social is easy to install and maintain. We offer both perpetual licensing and rental models, and onsite evaluation.

Contact us here!

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