Quotas on demand, Social Connections and an interview

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October is drawing to a close and I thought I'd talk about a few things that's in the air right now.

As you may know we recently released DomainPatrol Social 7 with a much demanded functionality for quota management. It's fascinating really, I heard it first from a business partner colleague at Social Connections in Boston last winter, and after that it popped up like a Jack-in-the-box here and there from customers and colleagues all through spring. "We need to be able to set our quota values in IBM Connections." I thought that this is too much to ignore, so I talked to my develeopers and BAM, the feature was done in no time. Really proud of their hard work and devotion.

And I'm extra glad that we could ship the super fresh release to waiting customers that has requested it. Like a mini Christmas if you wish. 🙂

It's also only one week to Social Connections in Stuttgart. One week! When did that happened? I thought I had much more time to prepare than this. Since I am part of the organizing team I actually breath Social Connections right now. How many attendees is coming (a LOT), will I see any good sessions (YES), will it be super fun to meet my friends in the community and the team (very much YES).

Naturally I look forward to work in Infoware's booth at the event. I have a newly hatched version of DomainPatrol Social with me! Can't wait to show it to the attendees at Social Connections!

On that note, last week I did an interview with SocialBizUG.org on why you should attend the event. Why not check it out. While I have your attention, I mean.

Last, but not least I wish you a very relaxing weekend! Irrespective if you celebrate Halloween, All Saints Day or just a moment of "sofa hang" as we say in Sweden.

See you in November!




Social Connections 9 – Infoware returning sponsor

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The first time Infoware sponsored the event Social Connections was in 2013. It was held in Zürich and at the time we honestly didn't know what to expect. On site we were instantly impressed by the number of quality sessions, the great speakers and the large number of attendees. And above all that: the professional and positive feel everybody created together throughout the event.

The crush we got for Social Connections was instant, and we then have been loyal sponsors on the events that followed. (Prague, Stockholm and Boston). Each and everyone interesting in it's own way and as a result of  our network has grown even bigger everytime.

On that note, it's not a big surprise that we now announce that we once again are packing our bags for a short flight to Stuttgart and Social Connections 9!

The agenda is more packed with goodies than ever, and the speakers are lining up in a way that is very promising. I also know that the number of registered is ticking by the day, which of course is good!

Social Connections is an event focusing on IBM's collaboration solution IBM Connections. For example, one of the keynote speakers is René Schimmer, sr. product manager for Social Software at IBM. René is pole position to talk about IBM Social Software roadmap.

Infoware will have a booth in the sponsor area where we talk about our tool that makes impossible things possible: DomainPatrol Social.

If you are interested in learning more Register here or Contact us