Compare 2 variants

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Function Compare2Variants(C2Var1,C2Var2, C2VarExactMatch As Boolean) As Boolean

Dim C2Var1strList List As String
Dim C2Var2strList List As String
Dim C2VarCount As String
Dim C2Var1intList List As Integer
Dim C2Var2intList List As Integer

Compare2Variants = False
If (UBound(C2Var1)-Lbound(C2Var1)) <> (UBound(C2Var2)-Lbound(C2Var2)) Then
    Compare2Variants = False
    Exit Function               
End If

If C2VarExactMatch Then
    C2VarCount = 0
    ForAll C2Var1Values In C2Var1
        C2Var1strList(C2VarCount) = C2Var1Values    
        C2VarCount = C2VarCount +1 
    End ForAll
    C2VarCount = 0      
    ForAll C2Var2Values In C2Var2
        C2Var2strList(C2VarCount) = C2Var2Values    
        C2VarCount = C2VarCount +1 
    End ForAll
    ForAll x In C2Var1strList
        If Not C2Var1strList(ListTag(x)) = C2Var2strList(ListTag(x)) Then
            Compare2Variants = False
            Exit Function
        End If
    End ForAll
    Erase C2Var1strList 
    Erase C2Var2strList 
    ForAll C2Var1Values In C2Var1
        If IsElement(C2Var1intList(C2Var1Values)) Then
            C2Var1intList(C2Var1Values) = C2Var1intList(C2Var1Values) + 1                                   
            C2Var1intList(C2Var1Values) = 1                                 
        End If
    End ForAll
    ForAll C2Var2Values In C2Var2
        If IsElement(C2Var2intList(C2Var2Values)) Then
            C2Var2intList(C2Var2Values) = C2Var2intList(C2Var2Values) + 1                                   
            C2Var2intList(C2Var2Values) = 1                                 
        End If
    End ForAll
    ForAll y In C2Var1intList
        If IsElement(C2Var2intList(ListTag(y))) = True Then     
            If Not (C2Var1intList(ListTag(y)) = C2Var2intList(ListTag(y))) Then
                Compare2Variants = False
                Exit Function               
            End If              
            Compare2Variants = False
            Exit Function
        End If
    End ForAll
    Erase C2Var1intList 
    Erase C2Var2intList         
End If

Compare2Variants = True

End Function


Domino server rating from F to A+ in seconds

Posted by:

Server running 9.0.1 FP4 and up

Running SSL Labs test on
Gives You low rating

Increase rating

Gather OCSP information
Goto Site and View certificate

Go to Intermediate certificate next to Your own and View Certificate

Go to Details and Authority Information and under Alternative name write down the URL.
In our case it is

Update notes.ini from console with the following, remember to replace the value of OCSP_RESPONDER with Your value from Step1.!!

set config DISABLE_SSLV3=1
set config HTTP_HSTS_MAX_AGE=17280000
set config OCSP_RESPONDER=
set config OCSP_CLOCKSKEW=10
set config OCSP_LOGLEVEL=31
set config SSLCipherSpec=C030009FC02F009EC028006BC0140039C0270067C013

In Release 10 the last notes.ini SSLCipherSpec is not respected it must be set in Internet Sites\Security

a. Is most secure

b. If You have with a. You can use this and get a good rating anyway

Restart HTTP task with following command:
restart task http

Now You can test Your server again and everything should be running fine


Changing and Signing jar files with JDK 1.8, no questions asked. Dictionaries in IBM Notes.

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Dictionaries where missing from client installation on Windows machines.
Client is multi user and users are not allowed to write in Program Directories (non admin on their PCs).
Client is IBM Notes 9.0.1FP6, because this is the one rolled out to end users.
This means that nothing can be installed via Widgets in framework\rpc or framework\shared because both are under Program Directory.
Objective is to provide all of the dictionaries to the end users to choose from from the Widgets catalog. Installation should progress without any questions asked.

I downloaded the Dictionaries provided by IBM (
For a full description of this package, please read Tomas Hampels blog at

The problem I got was that the Feature jar files configured to install in framework\rpc which is fine if you include them during installation of the original package running with administrative rights on the computer.

Only way in my scenario was to make sure that the installation was made in a user context meaning Data\workspace\applications

Change configuration of the Feature jar to make sure that the installation is done in a user context.

Unpacking the jar file in the features directory of any given dictionary reveals that the feature.xml file contains <feature colocation-affinity=""
this needs to be changed to this <feature colocation-affinity="" to make sure that installation will go to Data\workspace\applications where the end user is allowed to write.

To unpack and repack i use PeaZip ( and as an Editor I use Notepad++ (

Explanation of the different options could be found here:

Also when doing this it will break the signatures and this means that a resigning (after repackage) is necessary for security reasons (you should not allow anything that you have not trusted)
If you want to include your own signed jars files during installation of the client, this can be done following this instruction (
You could also use iKeyman to do this if you prefer.

If you look at Tomas Hampels blog above you will find that there are a lot of files that needs to be changed and signed before importing to an update site.

In every features directory in every updateSite_xx directory the file feature.xml needs to be changed according to the above solution.
Also, preparing for signing, 3 files need to be deleted from a subdirectory called META-INF also in the features catalog:

Repack all files in each Directory e.g. to
Move (cut) the zip file to where the original jar file is located rename the original jar file with an extension .org instead of .jar end the rename the newly moved .zip file to .jar
A features catalog could then look like this:

To sign I downloaded JDK 1.8 from
( Windows x64 because I am using W10 64-bit.

Only sign jar files that you have made changes to. The others are already signed with valid signatures.
Only sign 1 time with 1 signature for each jar file. Signing a second time could cause unexpected results.

First I examined the file that was signed by IBM, this is now <filename>.org if the instructions where followed.
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\bin>
jarsigner -verify -verbose "C:\updateSite_af\features\"

I got:
– Signed by "CN=International Business Machines Corporation, OU=Lotus Software Group, OU=Digital ID Class 3 – Java Object Signing, O=International Business Machines Corporation, L=Littleton, ST=Massachusetts, C=US"
    Digest algorithm: SHA1
    Signature algorithm: MD5withRSA, 2048-bit key
  Timestamped by "CN=GeoTrust Timestamping Signer 1, O=GeoTrust Inc, C=US" on lö feb 02 04:31:44 UTC 2013
    Timestamp digest algorithm: SHA-1
    Timestamp signature algorithm: SHA1withRSA, 1024-bit key

jar verified.

This meant that I need to sign with MD5withRSA and also SHA-1 where needed.
I tried all of the possible combinations of signing and digest and did the provisioning to the IBM Notes Client for all the different cases (puh this was hard and took a lot of time!) just to make sure.
I found only 1 configuration that worked all of the times.

To sign you must first create a signer and also you need to import the certificate of the signer and crosscertify it with your Notescertificate and push that crosscertificate to the client thru your security policy.
This done is done in your Domino Directory of the server.
Signing the jar file with this signature is then trusted to be installed on the client.

Inspired by Tomas Hampel (again) and the blog entry (
I decided to make my own script to help me out with this task.

Script Solution:
I decided to make 2 types of script, 1 for creating the necessary JKS file used for signing and 1 for the actual signing.
Both solutions consists of a command file an a property file containing values needed for the execution.

Code and samples will be provided here for download.Cool_Signing

Signing_mykeytool.cmd Cool_Signer.keytool
in the sample provided and this will create a JKS file and a CER file in the C:\temp directory.

To customize for your own needs you can creating you own .keytool file using Cool_Signer.keytool as a template. Read the included Readme.txt file for explanation.

You must change/customize this if You want to use this in your own environment, because sample provided here is not intended for other purposes than demonstrating the code.

Signing_myjarsigner.cmd Cool_Signing_with_XTAF_MD5.jarsigner
in the sample provided will sign all jar files that ends with *.feature_7.2.0.201111100545.jar from the catalog C:\Notes_XTAF_Dictionaries_V9.0_Win_ML and down.
It also contains the parameters that where tested to work with these features. I will recommend you to use these if you modify and sign the XTAF Dictionaries.

To customize for your own needs you can creating you own .jarsigner file using Cool_Signing_with_XTAF_MD5.jarsigner as a template. Read the included Readme.txt file for explanation.

Changing and Signing is hard work but script at least provides you with the means of organising your stuff and ease the burden of signing.



SugarCRM IBM Notes plug-in, no questions asked

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I was involved in a SugarCRM project and one of the requirements was to rollout a widget to IBM Notes sidebar provided by Sugar.

Problem was that the instructions from Sugar included an option for the user to bail out of the installation,
because of the signatures where not trusted. also the user needs to cross certify with his own Notes id.

From the project perspektive this was not OK.

I needed to find a way to cross certify in advance, making the installation in the background without giving the user the option to bail out.
I wanted to cross certify with my organizational certifier instead and avoiding questions.

First problem was to find the certifiers.
What I did was to install the plug-in manually in my testenvironment:
I then took the RSA file located in the workspace\applications\eclipse\features catalog
and in the META-INF catalog there is a file called LPI.RSA.

Using OpenSSL using the command
"openssl pkcs7 -in LPI.RSA -print_certs -inform DER -out lpi.cer"
and then opening it in an editor you could se all of the certifiers.
Using the instructions from Sugar as a guideline I tried to cross certify the certificate
that was used by Sugar, which was:
CN=SugarCRM/OU=Software/OU=Digital ID Class 3 – Java Object Signing/O=SugarCRM/L=Cupertino/ST=California/C=US
but when trying to do that I got the message:
"A cross certificate will not be made due to key usage restrictions in the input certificate"

Found a discussion thread indicating that using crosscertification at a higher would do it
so I imported the certificates into Domino Directory:

CN=VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA/OU=Terms of use at (c)10/OU=VeriSign Trust Network/O=VeriSign, Inc./C=US
VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority – G5/(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. – For authorized use only/VeriSign Trust Network/VeriSign, Inc./US

and crosscertified them with my Domino Organizational certifier instead, into Domino Directory.

I then pushed these 2 internet cross certificates out to the clients thru my security policy.

After that I included the widget in my widget catalog according to the instructions provided by Sugar and in this case we made a special desktop policy (explicit because it was in the cloud) that installed it for everyone belonging to a Domino group.

Worked perfectly.


Revisit: Wildcard SSL certificate from P12/PFX file into Domino

Posted by:

The objective of this article is to provide an example on how to  do this with hopefully no discussions and no questions unanswered. Of course this example is based on a particular situation with a special certificate provider but can hopefully be translated to any other situation with other certificate authorities.
Wrote an earlier article, this is an update

1. Assumptions
2. What do I need
3. OpenSSL
4. Kyrtool
5. Syntax
6. Example
7. Implement the files on the server
8. Check out if it works
9. Important note
10. Conclusion

Running Windows 64 bits (directory separator = \)
PFX file contains both certificate, intermediate and root certificates 
Domino server running 9.0.1 FP3

What do I need:
1. An exported P12/PFX file from in my case IIS, containing the wildcard certificate private key as well as the certification path to it.

2. OpenSSL:
Easy precompiled:
The one I used:

3. Kyrtool:
Fixcentral short:
Fixcentral long:

<ossldir> = Where you installed OpenSSL eg. C:\OpenSSL-Win64
<pfxdir> = Where you have placed your pfxfile
<pfxfile> = Name of your pfxfile eg. wildcard_acme_com.pfx
<pfxpassword> = Password to your pfxfile
<pemdir> = Where you have placed your pfxfile
<pemfile> = Name of your pfxfile eg. wildcard_acme_com.pem
<notespgmdir> = Notes or Domino program directory, minimum 9.0.1 FP3
(assumes that notes program directory is in your path, if not execute from program directory)
<kyrdir> = Directory where you want to put your kyrfile
<kyrfile> = Name of your kyrfile eg. wildcard_acme_com.kyr
<kyrpassword> = Password to your kyrfile

Check your pfx file:
<ossldir>\bin\openssl pkcs12 -info -in <pfxdir>\<pfxfile>
use <pfxpassword> when asked (nothing on PEM)

In general:
1. <ossldir>\bin\openssl pkcs12 -in <pfxdir>\<pfxfile> -out <pemdir>\<pemfile> -nodes -chain
use <pfxpassword> when asked (nothing on PEM)
2. <notespgmdir>\kyrtool create -k <kyrdir>\<kyrfile> -p <kyrpassword>
3. <notespgmdir>\kyrtool import all -k <kyrdir>\<kyrfile> -i <pemdir>\<pemfile>
Check in general:
1. <notespgmdir>\kyrtool show certs -k <kyrdir>\<kyrfile> >kyrcerts.txt
2. <notespgmdir>\kyrtool show keys -k <kyrdir>\<kyrfile> >kyrkeys.txt
3. <notespgmdir>\kyrtool show roots -k <kyrdir>\<kyrfile> >kyrroots.txt

1. C:\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\openssl pkcs12 -in C:\mypfxfiles\wildcard_acme_com.pfx -out C:\mypemfiles\wildcard_acme_com.pem -nodes -chain
use <pfxpassword> when asked
2. C:\IBM\Lotus\Domino\kyrtool create -k C:\mykyrfiles\wildcard_acme_com.kyr -p password
3. C:\IBM\Lotus\Domino\kyrtool import all -k C:\mykyrfiles\wildcard_acme_com.kyr -i C:\mypemfiles\wildcard_acme_com.pem
Check sample:

1. C:\IBM\Lotus\Domino\kyrtool show certs -k C:\mykyrfiles\wildcard_acme_com.kyr >wildcard_acme_com_kyrcerts.txt
2. C:\IBM\Lotus\Domino\kyrtool show keys -k C:\mykyrfiles\wildcard_acme_com.kyr >wildcard_acme_com_kyrkeys.txt
3. C:\IBM\Lotus\Domino\kyrtool show roots -k C:\mykyrfiles\wildcard_acme_com.kyr >wildcard_acme_com_kyrroots.txt

Implement the files on the server
1. Copy kyr file and the associated sth file to the server
2. Add the kyrfile name to your internet sites document or server document depending how your server is configured
3. Modify the cipher part
4. Make sure the SSL port is enabled in the Internet Ports.. section
5. Restart your http task on the server, use sh ta onl and check that http listens to both 80 and 443

Check out if it works
1. Use your browser and connect to your server via https
2. Look at your certificate information
3. Congratulations

Important note:
Following this means that especially the pem file is unprotected, therefore make sure that keep it in a safe place during this and maybe deleting it afterwards. Same goes for kyrfile (you can not delete them but keep them as safe as you can) as they contain private key.

Doing this task is not more complicated than any other task that involves certificates using any other platform.

Link to this document:



IBM Connections using Active Directory and Nested Groups

Posted by:

Customer wants to use nested groups in Access control for Communities, also it should be reflected in I'm a Member when user is looking for their communitys and so on. Connections was 4.5CRx

Google search Links that where tried, but did not work for me (for some reason unknown).

Found something that worked for me (seems logical looking at the description).
coming from thread

All groups specified user belongs to, including due to group nesting (Notes 10, 19)
eg. (member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=cn=Jim Smith,ou=West,dc=Domain,dc=com)
All members of specified group, including  due to group nesting (Note 10)
eg. (memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=  cn=Test,ou=East,dc=Domain,dc=com) 
Note 10.
The string 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941 specifies LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_IN_CHAIN. This applies only to DN attributes. This is an extended match operator that walks the chain of ancestry in objects all the way to the root until it finds a match. This reveals group nesting. It is available only on domain controllers with Windows Server 2003 SP2 or Windows Server 2008 (or above).

All of this is of course done in the context of Deployment Manager.
After doing the changes a full resynch needs to be done with all nodes in the cluster (sometimes also take down node and use synchNode from the node) and restart the node.

Solution is to change my setting in Websphere to reflect this:

Also changed for performance reasons the following (optional):
Solution is to change according to instructions

How does it look in the files before and after the change, here are snippets of this:

wimconfig.xml before the change:
        <config:memberAttributes name="member" objectClass="group" scope="nested"/>
        <config:membershipAttribute name="memberof" scope="nested"/>

wimconfig.xml after the change:
        <config:memberAttributes name="member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:" objectClass="group" scope="nested"/>
        <config:membershipAttribute name="memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:" scope="nested"/>

security.xml before the change (you can not cut and paste any of these because some parameters are unique to your environment):
  <userRegistries xmi:type="security:WIMUserRegistry" xmi:id="WIMUserRegistry_1" serverId="" serverPassword="{xor}" realm="defaultWIMFileBasedRealm" ignoreCase="true" useRegistryServerId="false" primaryAdminId="wasadmin" registryClassName=""/>

security.xml after the change (you can not cut and paste any of these because some parameters are unique to your environment):
  <userRegistries xmi:type="security:WIMUserRegistry" xmi:id="WIMUserRegistry_1" serverId="" serverPassword="{xor}" realm="defaultWIMFileBasedRealm" ignoreCase="true" useRegistryServerId="false" primaryAdminId="wasadmin" registryClassName="">
    <properties xmi:id="VMMURProperty_1" name="" value="1"/>


Shortcut to this document: https:// https://
Thats all folks